What nuts are good for men's potency?

Modern men take care of their health equally with the fair half. After all, who doesn't want to be healthy and have a beautiful body? In this regard, the issue of restoration and strengthening of effectiveness is particularly prominent. This problem is caused by a variety of factors, including the fact of a more sexually active diet.

Healthy nuts that are good for men

Everyone should know

Diet has a close relationship with men's health. In order to prevent and enhance effectiveness, you need to start with medicines, not with gifts from nature, such as. . . nuts. They not only heal the body, but are also responsible for maintaining male strength and normal potency.

Useful properties of nuts

Nuts are useful for potency

These products have magical powers because they contain important substances that stimulate potency:

  • Vitamin
  • Minerals
  • Cellulose
  • plant protein;
  • Essential oil
  • unsaturated fatty acid.

It is these ingredients that help solve bed problems, increase attractiveness and extend the time of male reproductive function. Combining honey and nuts is very useful.

What nuts are the best?

There are not so many varieties. And each has its own unique ingredients and therapeutic effects. A small nut contains great power. But it is also necessary to use it wisely. So which nuts are best for restoring male potency? Let us consider in detail the beneficial properties of various nuts:

  • Walnut.They are at the top of the useful list and only deserve praise. For potency, walnuts are the best preventive measure. They are rich in nutrients and can remove toxins from the body and restore vitality. To restore and maintain a person's physical strength, eating 12 walnuts a day is enough. The combination of honey and walnuts is particularly useful. They are true stores of vitamins and minerals. They include:
    • Zinc. It is this element that is responsible for effectiveness. It also helps the absorption of vitamin E in men.
    • Vitamin A. Combined with zinc can enhance the healing effect.
    • Omega 3 acid.
  • peanut.Its use helps to reduce weight and has a positive effect on effectiveness. The amino acids and vitamins that make up peanuts normalize hormones. In this case, fat aims to clean the arteries, thereby improving blood flow to the male organs. The daily dosage of peanuts is 1 tablespoon per day. You can also use natural peanut butter.
  • hazelnut.These nuts for potency are very popular among Turkish men. They are considered very loving. Hazelnut protein is involved in the proper formation of hormones. Acid has a positive effect on the work of blood vessels. Because of this, hazelnuts are used in the complex treatment of prostate diseases. It is recommended not to exceed 15 nucleoli per day.
  • almond.Many trace elements contained in almonds are good for men's health. If you use it regularly, the duration of the act of love will increase. Amino acids such as arginine can restore blood vessel function in the pelvic area. It is recommended to consume almonds before meals, not more than 35 grams per week.
  • pistachio.Almost all men like this kind of nuts. After all, they complement the beer so harmoniously. The special alcohol (sterol) keeps the arteries open by removing excess cholesterol. A large amount of folic acid has a positive effect on the quality of excretion fluid. It should eat about 10-15 pistachios during the day.
  • Brazil nuts.This kind of nut is very popular in his hometown. Its use increases the attractiveness of men to the opposite sex. Brazil nuts contain beneficial trace elements that are beneficial to the human body. Selenium and vitamins can improve testosterone synthesis. For the normal and complete operation of the reproductive system, it is recommended that men eat 2 nuts a day.
  • cedarNot only is it delicious, but it is also a very practical product. They are rich in arginine and zinc. Cedar fruit provides good muscle tone and cleans blood vessels. They also help restore the body's immune power. It is recommended to consume no more than one tablespoon per day.
  • coconut.Compared with other varieties, its fat content is relatively low. Therefore, it is the lowest calorie of all calories. It can also lower cholesterol in the blood and improve vascular microcirculation, allowing blood to flow quickly to the pelvic organs. To increase effectiveness, you must take no more than 35 grams per day. Adding coconut water to your diet is also beneficial.
  • walnut.Pecans are particularly popular in Latin America. For our country, this kind of nut is no longer exotic. Pecans contain a lot of folic acid, which is the cause of fluid accumulation in human organs. An herbal steroid, such as β-sitosterol, can enhance male strength and is used in the comprehensive treatment of prostatitis.

How to properly use walnuts and honey to enhance potency

Honey goes well with nuts. Among all the listed species, the most common and available is walnut. In terms of potency, honey has as many benefits as nuts. It eliminates nervous system tension and empowers the body to increase the duration of the act of love. By mixing these two components, the work and effectiveness of blood vessels can be improved respectively. Several recipes on how to use honey and walnuts.

Option one

The potency of walnuts and honey

A popular and effective method of using honey with nuts to increase potency and heal the entire body.

The recipe is simple: 100 grams of walnuts must be chopped in a glass dish, and then add a tablespoon of your favorite food.

In order to improve the effect on the body, you can use several kinds of nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds), and add raisins and dried apricots.

To take the nut honey mixture to increase its effectiveness, you need to take 20 grams twice a day-before eating in the morning and evening.

Option two

Nut milk with honey. This recipe helps prevent male impotence and its initial symptoms. The cooking process is very simple. The mixture should be refrigerated and taken half a spoon before meals, preferably in the morning.

  • Chop 10-15 walnuts and mix with half a cup of boiling water. It should be at room temperature.
  • Stir everything thoroughly and let it sit for several hours.
  • The resulting mixture is then filtered, and the liquid is mixed in equal parts with honey.
  • Finally, the nut milk should still stand for at least 3 hours.

The mixture should be consumed twice a day-in the morning and evening, no more than 2 tablespoons at a time.

Option three

This recipe will help solve potency issues and the initial stages of prostatitis. You will need:

The effectiveness of walnut, honey, lemon and aloe vera juice
  • Honey-300 grams.
  • Walnuts-half a kilogram.
  • Parsnip root-50 grams.
  • Aloe vera juice-half a cup.

Crush the parsnip root and nuts together. Add honey and aloe vera juice. Stir the mixture thoroughly. You need to take one tablespoon 3 times a day.

This treatment helps to relieve inflammation, thereby normalizing male energy. It helps to strengthen the immune system and also has a good effect on other organs.

It is worth remembering that any nut contains high calories, it is best to take it in the first half of the day, if this does not contradict the admission conditions in the recipe.

When nut and honey treatments are not suitable

The reasons for banning delicious drugs are as follows:

  1. Acute kidney disease and stones.
  2. High weight-obesity in the final stages.
  3. Allergic reaction to honey.
  4. Problems in the work of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
  5. Stomach problems.
  6. diabetes.

In all other cases, combining any nuts in the menu with honey is an effective measure to increase potency, thereby significantly improving men’s quality of life in all aspects.